May 6, 2015 Craig

Leaders among managers

leaders-vs-managersThere is always this great debate about what makes a great leader vs "I have a great manager".

By definition, a manager is 'a person who has control of an institution, business, etc., or of a part, division or phase of it' according to The word "control" really gets you thinking about this topic in a whole new light. When you think of a "great manager", do you think of this person as a person in control of you or your department or company? I have to be honest, I never thought of my current and former managers in control of me or our department or company. Control is such a harsh word and often times has a negative connotation. On the other hand, by definition, a leader is 'a person that leads; a guiding or directing head' according to The word "guiding" has more expectations in terms of value. I often thought of a particular former manager of mine as a true leader. Someone who was very secure with themself and was not at all afraid to stand up for what they believed in.

So, it begs the question, would you prefer to have a great leader or a great manager?

Well, I think there needs to be a balance that leans more toward having a great leader. However, there is something to be said for having a great manager who really brings a clear and strong control of his or her department. Great leaders, on the other hand, need much less control by empowering those around him or her to apply the necessary skills and techniques to become better more rounded individuals. So, are there any "leaders" among the managers in your organizations or former organizations?


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