January 20, 2015 Craig

Why you must perform product experience testing

usability_testingYou’ve spent several months developing a mission critical application that could really differentiate your company from the competition. You’ve spent countless hours working to ensure that it meets every last business requirement. And since you’ve extensively checked it for defects, you’re confident that users won’t find any bugs or performance issues.

But did you validate that it delivers the product experience you’re envisioning? If not, are you willing to take the risk of not testing how users will use your application before development?

Product experience validation, or usability testing, enables you to watch how real users interact with your application before its gets developed and consequently, before it gets released. When you consider that up to 70% of projects go wrong due to lack of user acceptance, this verification could likely signal the success, or failure, of your application.

In case you’re still not convinced of its importance, here are just three of many reasons why you can’t overlook product experience validation:

  1. Cut development costs – Don’t learn the hard way. Save money (and up to 50% of development time!) by finding out what resonates with your users before your application is developed. Your next release should focus on addressing users’ evolving needs and not correcting an experience that you’ve already built.
  2. No more wasted features – There’s arguably nothing worse than a feature that doesn’t get used. Product experience validation can point out unnecessary features so you can stop building them before the cost of change becomes prohibitive. Best of all, you can then focus on developing something else that you know your users will love.
  3. Earn higher adoption rates – It’s simple really. Users will be more likely to adopt your solution if it delivers the experience they need. Understanding how users use your product before its developed will give you insight into what’s important to them while using your product.

So, before you spend thousands, if not millions, of dollars, and hundreds of hours developing the seeminglyperfect application, ensure you develop the right solution by testing your users with product experience validation. If your users feel like they are part of the solution, they will be much more inclined to adopt it.

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